For a generation of nerds (and I use that term affectionately, for
they are my people) growing up in the late 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s, Star Trek was
essential viewing. Every week, Gene
Roddenberry’s most famous creation brought us a vision of a hopeful future: a
progressive, highly-evolved environment, where mankind has grown up and
defeated racism, broken through social barriers, and explored the universe in
the name of peace. On the surface, the show was a sci-fi Space Western. However, it has always
been about social issues and bold statements, cleverly hiding behind a veil of popcorn entertainment.
While the complex social issues were lost on many of us young viewers, the cool
gadgetry was not. Everyone in my neighborhood held toy pistols backward,
pretending it was a classic Starfleet phaser. And who didn’t dream about using
a Transporter to get somewhere in an instant?
It’s easy to see that modern examples of technology can trace their
lineage back to Star Trek. One glance around the world of science and
technology, and it’s easy to spot Star Trek’s unquestionable influence. Here are ten modern technological marvels
that we sometimes take for granted, but were predicted decades ago in Star

When Steve Jobs took to the stage in 2007 and unveiled the iPad,
he cemented Apple’s grip on technology must-have items. There was a certain “cool factor” in using
the iPad, which, like the iPhone that preceded it, had a slick interface,
groovy apps, and flexibility as a work tool, toy, and multimedia device. It was for many the neatest new item. Thing
is, it wasn’t a new concept, with early examples in the original series (TOS in
fan-speak), and especially later in The Next Generation, bearing a strong
resemblance 20 years prior to Apple’s entry.
Universal Translator
How do you travel across the cosmos and understand races from other
worlds? Star Trek solved the problem of speaking to alien races across the
universe by the Universal Translator trope.
Everyone carries a device capable of understanding an alien’s speech,
and translating it for humans in real-time (I’m still curious as to why their
lips don’t move out of sync like on Kung Fu Theater, but I digress). The technology seemed light-years ahead in
1966, but is now a reality. Both Google
and Waverly Labs are working hard to disrupt the market first with real-time
translation devices (
2016), capable of allowing the wearer to communicate with native speakers
in French and other languages. No word on how long we’ll have to wait until
travelers can speak to a Klingon.

This one might be a small stretch, but it is worth
mentioning. We may be a few years away
from ordering earl grey tea, hot, but the ability to build small items with 3D
printing technology is becoming more common, and cheaper than ever. For a little as $267, budding entrepreneurs
and generally bored artists can fabricate small items, normally out of
high-impact polystyrene or other thermoplastic media (
Hoffman, 2017).
In the future, according to Star Trek, humans who were sick or
injured were just a few minutes away from the best in high-tech treatment. Starfleet physicians like Dr. McCoy and Dr.
Crusher would quickly scan a patient and receive a diagnosis as well as an
X-ray scan with a medical tricorder. We
may not have to wait for the 23
rd century for a similar device, thanks
to Scanadu’s
Scout health
sensor. While it is not nearly as
advanced as something you might see on Star Trek, it does claim to provide accurate
data on heart rate, core body temperature, blood pressure, and respiratory rate
in a painless, efficient manner (
Natural Language Processing
One optimistic feature seen since the inception of Star Trek is
the ability to speak to a computer and retrieve information. While efforts to achieve this have been
underway since the early days of computer science, the greatest leap has
occurred in the last few years. Advances
in language processing algorithms have made it easier for computers to grasp
the very difficult lexical variations of how humans express themselves. Amazon
Echo and Google’s
Pixel are two competing examples of NLP research tools that employ
keywords for activation (
Bhartiya, 2017). Instead of saying “Computer, dim the lights”,
users say “Echo, dim the lights”.
A trope virtually invented by Star Trek is the ship-scans-the-planet
trope, in which our intrepid crew scans for life signs, planetary conditions,
or other details to move the story along.
The technology is no longer the stuff of science fiction, however. Since the late 1980’s researchers have
planned to use earth-based scanners to observe the NIR spectra of light
reflected from asteroids to determine their composition, surface minerology,
and lithology, and claim that the technology can be used to make the same
observations of other planetary bodies (
Burns, 1989).
As difficult as it is to imagine now, video conferencing has not
been ubiquitous for long. Video
conferencing has been around since at least 1982 ("
Video ConferencingTimeline," 2015), when Compression Labs commanded $1,000 per hour for
the service. The technology, while
extremely pricey, was not a new idea, appearing on Star Trek from day one.
In early TOS episodes, it was not unusual to see a rogue robotic
entity come along and steal data from computers, change settings, or sabotage
systems through a wireless connection.
While it must have seemed like sorcery in 1966, and an easy plot device,
this could be construed as an early depiction of Bluetooth technology, decades
before it became standard fare with wireless headphone enthusiasts. In fact, Uhura’s earpiece is another prime
example of wireless audio, rendered via Bluetooth-style technology.
According to Star Trek’s optimistic future, painful needles will
be a thing of the past. If a character
needed to be inoculated after a brush with an alien disease, a quick shot of
Bones’s hypospray would do the trick. No
longer the stuff of science fiction, hypospray technology, or painless
injection without breaking the skin, has actually been available since 2012 (
Humphries, 2012).
We take our vision for granted. Patients who are legally blind
struggle with the most basic tasks. In
the future, perhaps that will no longer be the case. In Star Trek: The Next Generation, Geordi La Forge,
a blind character, saved the day many times, partly due to his extraordinary vision
thanks to his hi-tech visor. His
character showed that even people who were disabled in some way can be an
integral part of the crew, thanks to innovative tools. The concept has inspired developers who have
eSight, a visor that
corrects genetically malformed retinas in patients with no central vision (
Fox News, 2015). The
tool is helping people who have been blind since birth to see for the first
time. Similarly, Oxford Scientists
Smart Specs, a visor that
captures real-time imagery and heightens the contrast, assisting legally blind
users in everyday life (
Matchar,2015). Plus, they just look insanely cool.
For many, the show impacted the career choices of many an
astronaut, pilot, or scientist. I myself have been fortunate enough to study
engineering and computer science, inspired in no small part by Trek. The show has impacted our culture in profound
ways, perhaps more so than any science fiction franchise. For most of us die-hard fans, the optimism of
the series lives on. Perhaps in some
small way, our modern hi-tech tools can help usher in an era of peace depicted
in classic Trek, and take us where no gadgets have gone before.
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