Thursday, September 13, 2018

Scam Alert

 If you suspect a scam, keep these red flags in mind:

  • The site asks for payment by wire or money order instead of Paypal or Credit Card. Always use a card if possible, because you can usually dispute a scam an receive a refund.

  • The site uses a professional brand name, but also includes special characters or words rather than just the brand name. Case in point Pandorasukonline, which is now pulled. Pandora does not add phrases or words to their brand.

  • Hyperlinks that go nowhere (broken links)

  • Spelling errors, grammar errors, or unusual wording - a dead giveaway that the administrator's first language is not English. While that in itself is not a crime, keep in mind real retailers thoroughly vet their content professionally before publishing 

  • While this may sound obvious, it needs to be said: If it sounds too good to be true, it normally is. If someone as in the computers example above offers you a Predator (c) gaming rig, even refurbished, for less than $1500 US, especially at $99, you are looking at a scam
